Tuesday, December 23, 2014

11 YouTube Tricks many of us don't know.

YouTube is the largest video channel on the Internet with more than 1 billion users visiting each month after all. We can find a variety of videos on YouTube like comedy, pranks, interviews, tutorials, and many more…

You have enjoying many hours in YouTube. So, here we’ve put 5 simple tricks to make YouTube more enjoyable for you.

1. Disabling Video Annotation
Annotation is a clickable box that overlays on top of YouTube videos. It is to improve user engagement by displaying extra information or links related to the videos. It is useful for the video uploader, but can also be quite annoying for the users.

To hide these annotations?
You can disable annotations to all YouTube videos via the YouTube settings.

  1. Click your profile picture then click the gear icon (YouTube Setting).
  2. On the left sidebar, select Playback and uncheck the Annotations and Interactivity option.

2. Force Buffering Of The Entire Video
YouTube actually buffers only 30 seconds of the total video length when the video is paused. When your Internet connection isn’t quite fast enough to load the video this causes a lag. To avoid this, you can force YouTube to buffer the entire video before you can play it.

SmartVideo for YouTube is a tool that can help with this and is available as a Firefox Add-on and Chrome Extension.
  1. After installation. Restart the browser open the YouTube video, you will see an additional option at the bottom of the video.
  2. Click Global Preferences, and tick the box for Smart Buffer, as shown in the below image.

3. Disable Autoplay
YouTube will immediately start playing a video you’ve just opened which can sometimes be annoying. To disable autoplay video on YouTube.

We can use the YouTube Control Center Add-on in Firefox or Stop Autoplay extension for Chrome.

It has a handful of options to control a YouTube video. Install this Add-on, and find Autoplays video when the player loads. Keep this option unchecked to disable Autoplay. Another option is the Stop Autoplay extension which does the same thing. You need to install it on Chrome, then activate it via the chrome://extensions/ page.

4. Watching YouTube In Slow-motion
Many of the time while watching a video in YouTube it moves so fast that you can’t see the tiny details. Perhaps you want to play the video at a slower pace.

YouTube has HTML5 Player for its videos that you can request in www.youtube.com/html5.
1. Open www.youtube.com/html5.
2. Click Request the HTML 5 Player.

3. Now open a video, you will find the option with speed adjustment. Do keep in mind though that you’ll need a browser that fully supports HTML5 video.

5. Download A YouTube Video’s Subtitle
There are many videos on YouTube that come in a language that you’re probably not familiar with. YouTube actually lets the video author add subtitles to help their viewers understand what is being said. However, if you’re downloading a particular video, the subtitles won’t come with it.

Use KeepSub to download the subtitles embedded in the video.
Lets see how :-
  1. Open http://keepsubs.com/
  2. Copy the video url from youtube and paste in download textbox.
  3. Then click on DOWNLOAD button to generate the subtitle.
  4. You will find the subtitle below click it to download

6. Share or Play a Specific Portion of a video
If we want to share just a certain portion of a video with a user, we’ll notice that there is no official option to do this. But many of us didn’t know that there is a handy hack to send a link to a user or embed a certain portion of the YouTube video in our website.

Lets see how it works :-
Consider the following Youtube Video URL : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oECaLIrlnE0
After the URL link add #t=01m08s to set the starting point of the video at 1 minute and 8 seconds. Here is how it should look like:

To embed a portion of a YouTube video the process goes the same way. You simply have to add #t=01m08s to the embed code you get from the original video and paste it to your website.
Once a user plays the video, it will automatically start from the point you have specified in the embed code.

7. Auto Video Replay
There are certain times when you get obsessed with a Youtube video, whether it’s a really catchy song or a funny video. Isn’t it annoying to always have to hit replay everytime you near the end?

Why not activate the looping feature?
Lets see how :-
Just replace youtube with the text “infinitelooper” in the URL and hit enter. (NOTE- It do not support https, so remove “s” and use http at the starting of the URL)

It will redirect you to another YouTube third-party platform where you are also provided with the option of looping selected portions of the video.

8 Auto High-Definition Video Play
Many times when we play a YouTube video the video quality has been set on default for you, usually at a lower quality video resolution. To prevent this from happening you can force the system to permanently play videos in an HD format.

Install the extension called Magic Actions for Youtube available only for Google Chrome and Firefox. Enable the option Auto HD in the extension and select the video resolution you would like to be played automatically.
We can also set the mouse wheel to scroll up (and down) the volume of the video.

9. Accurate Keyword Searching
There are a billion of videos on Youtube so trying to find that specific Youtube video you want to watch is too difficult. We have to crawl through many pages to land the video we actually want to watch.

The solution for this is to add “allintitle” before the keywords we are search for. What it does is basically provide you with only videos that include the chosen keywords.

10. Omit Keywords
We can exclude a specific keyword while searching any video.
Just enter the search keyword, then “-”  and then exclude keyword. (As given below)

“keyword -excluded keyword”

11. Speed Checker
The most important race in the world is between red bar and the grey bar. Youtubers know what I am talking about.
We can actually check the loading speeds of the video from  http://youtube.com/my_speed.

You will get readings of your average video speed based on your location and can even compare speeds based on certain dates.


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